Open: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 17:00-21:00.. We deal exclusively in reservations. Considering that we work on expanding the Bajka vacation site during; the week every single day, we are open to all who wish to enjoy quality meals and peace to donors, friends and those who wish to claim membership during Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 5.00-9.00 PM (reserved ahead of time.)
Important notice: we work daily exclusively for individuals, pairs and groups of individuals up to 5, so that we’re able to dedicate our full attention and service and so you may feel comfortable and familiar. Reserve your spot and choose a meal from the menu through the Booking Calendar or over the phone: +385 91 377 3771.
Reserving a table costs 15 Euros, which is added to the bill alongside the cost of your meal. Please, only order reservations during our business hours, so we may ensure a well-prepared and high-quality meal. The orange-colored dates on the Booking Calendar mark reserved lodgings. For daily gatherings, feel free to call us at +385913773771.